Co-founder of Part3Plus
Architectural Designer at WATG
Growing up in China and being educated in London, my previous practice experience in Beijing, Shanghai and now, London, fascinates me with the diverse culture and building environments surrounding me.
I always feel architecture is such a big world since I started to study. It is so complicated with various disciplines involved, culture, history, structure, engineering, material, and environment. I enjoy the design process and delivery process turning lines and views on my drawings into reality. I am also fascinated by learning about people, the site and culture of that specific place from the design process.
Personally, I am not aiming for big dreams. What knowledge I can contribute to communities, to the people who I care about is more important to me. Even if it might be small contributions, or it might start with a small local group, I believe that’s the starting point of all young architects. There will be one day where the contribution can reach to other communities all over the world who need us. That would be a long journey, and young architects are preparing ourselves during the journey to reach that point.
I am passionate about communities, both physically and virtually. My projects mostly serve the communities, looking at participatory design in the self-build industry empowered by digital fabrication.
I also co-founded a Part 3 platform ‘Part3Plus’ with other five co-founders, Elgan Davies, Eric Lim, Farzad Sarajzada, Sheryl Lam and Jennifer Asiedu, aiming to help out prospective ARB Part 3 students in the architecture community to tackle the course with guidance and advice in the last step of the long journey. Part3Plus ventures to assist students through the overwhelming maze of information, choreographing guidance that will allow Part 3 students to navigate to a successful conclusion of their studies. Architecture is a team effort, where studying is part of the team. Part3plus believes strongly in the importance of helping others, to build a stronger; unique and diverse future for the industry.
LJ’s Projects

You can find LJ.Wu Design on Instagram, and to find out more about Part3Plus, visit their website and on instagram.